3. GSUser Object

3.1. Introduction

The GSUser object represents a GeoShop user. GSUser objects have to be initialized by the login() method.

3.2. GSUser Methods

DescriptionCreates a new GSUser object.
var gsuser = new GSUser();
Methodlogin(String user,String password, function successCallback(), function errorCallback(String))
DescriptionInitializes the GSUser object. All other methods of GSUser can only be used after successCallback() is called. Calls successCallback()asynchronously if the user exists, calls errorCallback() asynchronously if the user does not exist or the password is wrong.
gsuser.login("test","test", function() {
      // successful login
   }, function(errorMessage) {
      // invalid user / password
MethodGSHashtable getProducts()
DescriptionDelivers a GSHashtable with (name / display_name) entries of all available data products for the user.
var products = gsuser.getProducts();
MethodgetProductByName(String name, function successCallback(GSHashtable), function errorCallback(String))
DescriptionCalls successCallback()asynchronously with a detailed description of the product by name. Calls errorCallback() asynchronously if the product is not found or some other error occurs.
gsuser.getProductByName("dxf_geobau", function(product) {
      // do somthing with product 
   }, function(errorMessage) {
      // some error occured
MethodgetProductByDisplayName(String display_name, function successCallback(GSHashtable), function errorCallback(String))
DescriptionVariant of getProductByName(). Delivers a detailed description of the product by display_name.
gsuser.getProductByDisplayName("DXF GeoBau", function(product) {
      // do something with product
   }, function(errorMessage) {
      // display an error message
MethodGSHashtable getPreferences()
DescriptionDelivers a all user preferences as a GSHashtable.
var preferences = gsuser.getPreferences();