The APNTLOC MDL locates points listed in an ASCII-File. There are commands to scroll trough the points in the ASCII-File and to locate them in a view. The points in the ASCII-File must be defined as followed:
[any text] x,y [any text] x,y ...
[any text] is optional and interpreted as comment
x and y are the coordinates of the point separated by a comma. You can download APNTLOC from here.
The ELELOCFP MDL locates elements by its filenumber and fileposition. This program is usefull to locate elements when only the filenumber and the fileposition of the element is known. The EDG utility for example returns filepositions. With this program you can locate an Element with the fileposition delivered by the EDG utility. You can download ELELOCFP from here.
The FONTCHAR MDL places font characters into the active Designfile with the
description of the font and the decimal number of the characters. With options you can define if only valid or all fonts and only valid or all characters should be processed. With options you can define the font for the description texts an the the
origin of the placement. This programm is usefull to get an overview of all valid characters of the active font library.
With the option 'Character Placement: Valid Characters' only valid characters are placed. In MDL there is no straight functionality to determine if a character is valid or not. Microstation displays an invalid character as the same as character 42 (ASCII '*') in the same font. The Option 'Character Placement: Valid Characters' just compares the graphical representation of a character with the graphical representation of Character 42. If a character has the same graphical representation as the character 42 it is declared as a not valid character and is not placed. The character 42 is always placed. This works fine in most cases. If you have problem with your font library and this option, you must use the option 'Character Placement: All Characters'.
You can download FONTCHAR from here.
The FRAMSYMB MDL is a special utility for the Intergraph-FRAMME product. It places all symbols defined in the FRAMME rulebase fdl source files. In addition to the FRAMME symbols alternate FRAMME symbols can be placed. Such alternate FRAMME-Symbols can be symbols which are set in Relations or Odl-Functions. Because this utility does not parse relation and function source files such alternate FRAMME symbols must be defined in a separate input-File. Alternate FRAMME-Symbols are placed with the same symbology and size like the symbol component in the fdl file but with the alternate symbol. In addition to the FRAMME symbols and the alternate FRAMME symbols other symbols can be placed. Such other symbols can be symbols which are not defined in the fdl source files. Other symbols must be defined in a separate input-File. Other Symbols are placed with the symbology and size defined in this separate input file. In addition there is an option to place all symbols in the font library which are not already placed through the definitions in the fdl source file, in the fdl alternate symbol file and in the other symbol file. All inputs are optional besides the fdl alternate symbol file which requires the fdl file. So you can process only the fdl file, the other symbol file, all Symbols or a combination of these inputs.
FRAMSYMB together with SYM2CEL and Microstation DXF Export can be usedL to create a Autocad DXF- and a DWG-File which contains all FRAMME-Symbols
as blocks.
You can download FRAMSYMB from here.
The RGBCOLOR MDL reads the color definitions from the attached color table
and writes the corresponding RGB values to a user defined ASCII file. You can download RGBCOLOR from here.
The SYMB2CELL MDL converts symbols to cells. A symbol is defined as a text elemente (also in textnode elements) with a symbol font. The text element is dropped to linestring(s), from the linestring(s) a cell with the same symbology as the text is created. The cellname is generated from the symbol font and the first symbol character (e.g. symbol font-17, first symbol character-DEC040 -> cellname-017040). This program is especially helpfull for DXF exports and plots (no need to configure the Plotconfiguration with fontlibraries) because symbols are represented as common graphical elements. You can download SYMB2CELL from here.
The TEXTBLNK MDL eliminates leading and ending Blanks in Text-Elements. There are options to process ending and/or leading blanks. A text like ' abc ' will be processed as 'abc'. textblnk processes texts in text elements and in textnode elements. If there is a text in textnode to process, then the textnode will be dropped into single text elements. This program is helpful to eliminate unnecessary blanks in text elements. For example for plots which will clip texts around the text box. You can download TEXTBLNK from here.
The TEXTDROP MDL converts text elements to graphical elements (like the Microstation command drop text). TEXTDROP drops texts in text elements and in textnode elements. There is also an option where you can select text elements with symbol font, text font or all fonts (symbol and text). The Text-Element is dropped to Linestring(s)-Elements. This program is especially helpful for DXF-Exports and plots (no need to configure the plot configuration with font libraries) because texts are represented as common graphical elements. You can download TEXTDROP from here.
The MSACFORM MDL lets you call MS-Access-Forms directly from Microstation.
With this program you are able to configure your MicroStation-Environment to access MS-Access-Forms with Microstation. The program supports six keyins:
MCACFORM DBOpen DB-File , [MS-Access-Executable-File], [Runtime-Flag]
starts MS-Access and opens a MS-Access-Database.
closes the active MS-Access-Database.
MCACFORM FormOpen Form , [Modus], [Condition]
opens a MS-Access-Form in the active MS-Access-Database.
MCACFORM FormClose Form
closes a MS-Access-Form in the active MS-Access-Database.
shows the use of the program.
closes the program.
You can download MSACFORM from here.
The CHARBOX MDL places the characters of a selected font into the active designfile. For each character the decimal value is drawn. For each character the needed rectangular box for the single character is drawn and specified with its width and height. For each character the needed rectangular box for the single character and the space for a following character is drawn and specified with its width and height. With options you can define the font for the description texts an the the origin of the placement. All the information is also put into an ASCII-file, which is located in the
same directory as the active designfile and with the same name but the extension chr. This programm is usefull to get an overview of the space needed by the characters of a font. You can download CHARBOX from here.
The DGNCOMP MDL compresses Microstation-Designfiles in a Batch Mode.
Call this Shareware as explained below:
with ustation:
ustation.exe -wadgncomp.ma -i<File-Path/Pattern> -i<Log-File>
with msbatch.bat:
msbatch.bat dgncomp.ma <File-Path/Pattern> <Log-File>
in the Microstation command window:
mdl load dgncomp.ma <File-Path/Pattern> <Log-File>
You can download DGNCOMP from here.